When OxyContin is Abused it’s not Medicine Anymore


OxyContin is an opioid pain medication, or narcotic, which is used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is meant to be used as an around-the-clock treatment of pain rather than on an as-needed basis. When used properly, the medication can relieve pain for up to 12 hours, but when used in excess it can

When You Develop a Dependence on Crack Cocaine


Crack cocaine abuse has become a worldwide problem, and over 8.5 million people have admitted to using the drug at least once during their lives. The reason crack abuse is so problematic is because if its dependence liabilities and its ability to cause cardiovascular, neurological, psychiatric, and respiratory problems. We’ll explore how crack cocaine dependence

How Family Therapy can get everyone through Addiction


When addicts are in need of professional help, families are often the ones to push them to seek it, whether it’s convincing them to attend rehab by holding an intervention or offering to pay for it if they agree to attend. What many people may not realize is how the family could benefit from addiction

Admitting that You Have a Gambling Addiction


Gambling is an addiction which gets talked about less than other problems but is no less dangerous or damaging to an individual. Financially, it can be devastating. Along with the addiction will be a cycle of lies, half-truths and deliberate attempts to hide the reality of what is going on from the people who care

What Constitutes a Relapse


The cycle of addiction has many ups and downs. An alcohol or drug relapse occurs after a person experiences recovery then returns to using their substance of choice. Addiction is a chronic disease, prone to periods of relapse. Triggers and other risk factors may increase the risk of using alcohol or drugs. A relapse is

Why You Must Stop Enabling the Addict in Your Life


It goes without saying that addiction comes with consequences. However, the results of substance abuse are often subtle at first, before developing into the more well-known addiction symptoms and side effects. Drugs cost money, reduce productivity, and create disarray in one’s life. General disorderliness and chaos tend to follow in the wake of drug abuse.

What Is Going Through An Addict’s Mind?


Individuals who are fortunate not to suffer from drug addiction or alcoholism will have a difficult time in understanding the mind and thought processes of a drug addict or alcoholic. It will seem apparent to everyone, including a substance abuser, that drugs and alcohol are harming every aspect of the addict’s or alcoholic’s life, including

Alcohol Poisoning: Why Binge Drinking Is Not Harmless


Binge drinking and excessive alcohol consumption can and will cause you grievous harm even if you are not an alcoholic. At high levels, alcohol is a fatal poison that can cause irreparable brain damage if it does not kill you. Because alcohol absorption and processing rates are different for different people, you might suffer alcohol

How Marijuana Use Has Changed Through History


Marijuana has been used for almost five thousand years. Early Chinese medical texts include records of marijuana’s psychoactive and medicinal properties. Trade and cultural cross-breeding took marijuana from China and into North Africa and Europe, where it continued to have medicinal and occasional recreational uses. Spanish settlers brought marijuana to the North American continent in

Goal Setting in Addiction Recovery

Marathon runners predict their finishing times and set their running pace to meet those times Companies write detailed business plans that include two- and five-year sales projection and then set up operations to achieve those sales goals. These and other long-term endeavors typically start with goals and work toward meeting those goals. Your addiction recovery