How Family Therapy can get everyone through Addiction


When addicts are in need of professional help, families are often the ones to push them to seek it, whether it’s convincing them to attend rehab by holding an intervention or offering to pay for it if they agree to attend. What many people may not realize is how the family could benefit from addiction

5 Things You Should Know About Benzo Withdrawal


The Brain Two systems in the brain work opposite one another: glutamate and GABA (gamma amino butyric acid). Glutamate is like a gas pedal which gets things started. GABA slows things down. Benzodiazepines damage GABA receptors so glutamate is free to push the brain into hyperspeed which over-excites the entire body. When GABA receptors are

Can Pursuing Art Help You with Recovery?


Art therapy is one tool used to support individuals in recovery. Some treatment programs offer options during treatment including individual, group, skills-focus, relapse prevention and art therapy. Expression of emotions, feelings and thoughts are encouraged as part of the healing journey throughout recovery.   Types of Art Therapy Several modalities of art therapy are used

The Body Needs Sunshine


Nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness practices form a well rounded lifestyle plan for healthy living. Nature is an excellent source of inspiration for people who want to exercise outdoors while enjoying the beauty of trees, water, and grass. As more becomes known about the possible health benefits, sunshine is taking center stage as a great source

Examining the Steps: Step 1


The first step in the 12-step process is admitting powerlessness over addiction. To admit powerlessness for some is to admit defeat, when society seems to promote individuality, managing life without anyone else’s help and finding ways to keep pushing through struggles. To admit the need for help is a first step towards receiving the necessary

The Importance of Adrenaline in Daily Life


Adrenaline (also known as epinephrine) is a stress hormone secreted from the adrenal glands on the kidneys. The body also uses this hormone in a fight-or-flight response to an environment which appears threatening. An ‘adrenaline rush’ is a sudden influx of adrenaline flooding the body from the adrenal glands. The brain is essentially communicating the

Treating Co-Occurring Disorders with Integrative Treatment Plans


According to the American Addiction Centers, a co-occurring disorder is defined as a person living with a substance use disorder as well as a mental illness, A combination of mental health disorders and addiction qualifies for what is also called a dual diagnosis. This may include alcoholism and depression, anorexia and cocaine dependence and more.

Why Every Man Should Lift Weights


Lifting weights and working out can be part of a healthy lifestyle. With age comes bone density and muscle loss. Over time, weak bones, stiff joints and poor posture can increase risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses.   Lifestyle Lifting weights regularly can trigger the body to keep the muscle which results

Why Do I Keep Relapsing?


The keys to avoiding chronic relapsing are a strong support system, planning, and knowledge of the signs of relapse. Remaining drug free can be a struggle, but you don’t have to work through everything on your own. You can rely on friends and family for support, as well as a medical professional or facility. However,

The 1% Rule to Daily Improvement


After all the pain and torture one experiences at the hands of a serious drug addiction, the main focus for many addicts in recovery is to suddenly and miraculously kick the habit entirely and be “cured.”  It’s natural to want a definitive end to the condition of addiction so that you don’t have to deal