Can You Help a Friend Avoid Addiction Relapse?


Anyone who is fighting addiction must be aware of relapse. Recovery is a long, difficult process and relapse is one of the bumps that cover the path to a healthy life. Studies show that about 50% of people in recovery relapse, but this fact is not something to be discouraged by. If your loved one

Resisting Those Oxycontin Cravings


Cravings are a natural part of recovery. Anyone who’s been addicted has experienced cravings; there’s nothing to be ashamed or worried about. Although cravings may feel awful, if you can stick them out they will decrease in both strength and frequency. All you need to do is wait and stay strong. However, there are some

The Health Effects of Casual Drinking


The human body can only process a small amount of alcohol at one time. When you drink a large amount of alcohol on a daily basis, it causes your body to work harder than is healthy. Casual drinking is when a person drinks only 1 or 2 drinks a day, then binge drinks every once

The Hangover: Why you Get it the Morning After Drinking


Scientific experts don’t know exactly why people get hangovers, but they are in the early stages of research to determine prevention techniques and treatment options. We do know the effects of a hangover vary from person to person in intensity and length, and we’ll explore common symptoms and possible causes.     People experiencing hangovers

It’s Not Too Late to Get Help for Your Opiate Addiction


The abuse of and addiction to opioids such as heroin, morphine, and prescription pain relievers is a serious global problem that affects the health, social, and economic welfare of all societies. It is estimated that between 26.4 million and 36 million people abuse opioids worldwide, with an estimated 2.1 million people in the United States

Taking Responsibility for Addiction


Being a parent of a teenager struggling with addiction is an extremely difficult situation to be in. While many teens simply experiment with alcohol and drugs, some of them end up with problems and addiction. We’ll explore the relationship between a teen addict and their parent(s), and discuss ways to help what might seem like

Does Your Buddy Need an Intervention?


Some researchers estimate 1 in 10 people have substance abuse problems. Chances are, someone you knows is struggling with addiction. The problem is knowing who. The biggest difficulty in treating addiction is denial that the addiction even exists. Suggesting that someone is an addict can be offensive. This is partly because addiction is thought of

There’s no Sense in Blaming Others for Your Drinking Problem


We are quick to point fingers in many situations when we make a mistake, when something goes wrong, or when someone ends up hurt. We’ve all been here. How about the time you stopped for coffee in the morning before work and turned around—not looking—and bumped right into someone, spilling a full cup of coffee

How to Tell if You’re Addicted to Percocet


Percocet is one of the most commonly abused pain medications in the United States. Developing an addiction to the medication doesn’t simply mean the user is physically dependent on it. There are specific signs that signify an addiction, and we’ll explore them here.   Made from a combination of oxycontin and acetaminophen, Percocet is prescribed

When OxyContin is Abused it’s not Medicine Anymore


OxyContin is an opioid pain medication, or narcotic, which is used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is meant to be used as an around-the-clock treatment of pain rather than on an as-needed basis. When used properly, the medication can relieve pain for up to 12 hours, but when used in excess it can