“Nodding Out” What You Need To Know About This Side Effect Of Opioid Addiction

The term “nodding out” refers to the peculiar physical reaction to opioid intoxication in which someone is half asleep and half awake, constantly nodding their head in and out of each state. It Starts After Getting High Heroin enters the bloodstream with a rush, hurling itself toward key receptors in the brain. Dopamine receptors create

Fentanyl Continues To Be Fatal Problem In America

From 2013 to 2014 the number of overdose deaths involving the synthetic opioid painkiller fentanyl more than doubled. Though the name fentanyl only became household after numerous celebrity deaths involving the drug last year, the synthetic substance has been problematic for some time. 1,905 people became 4,200 in the matter of twelve months. That’s almost