Are You A Millennial Struggling With Mental Health At Work?

Depression is a globally experienced mental health disorder, more than any other. According to the World Health Organization, over 350 million people struggle with depression worldwide. In America, a significant population of those who are living with depression are those in the millennial generation. To be considered part of the millennial generation, one must have been born between 1982 and 2002- an estimated 81 million people.

Forbes reports that depression in millennials occurs more frequently than any other generation. 20% of millennials, about one in five, struggle with a form of depression. Comparatively, those within Generation X or the Baby Boomer generations only have an approximate 16% depression rate.

Living with depression can mean having to cope with challenging symptoms which include a lack of motivation lack of inspiration, lethargy, exhaustion, and difficulty concentrating. Symptoms like these can make productivity and effectiveness in the workplace a challenge. The National Institute on Mental Health reports that 45% of mental health cases go untreated in America. Diagnosed and even medically treated depression is challenging enough to live with. Untreated depression- meaning no medication, no consultation, and no therapy of any kind- can feel, at times, unbearable. Forbes cites that the cost of depression on the work force is upwards of $147 billion per year.

Where The Cost Of Depression In the Workplace Comes From

Doing work, even poor work, is hard to do when you can’t get out of bed and show up to work. Absenteeism, or being absent from work, is the most impactful and common symptom of depression in the workplace. Producing quality work, working under stress, and feeling motivated enough to try while struggling with depression feels impossible. Rather than try and fail, true to their stereotype, millennials prefer not to try at all. As the common phrase suggests, “adulting”, is hard.

How To Get Help

Depression can come from many places including environmental circumstances, life circumstances, and genetic predisposition. Some millennials are prone to depression because of their inability to apply practical life skills to their daily experiences, causing an excess amount of stress for which they are not able to cope with.

If you are struggling with depression and are in need of a practical treatment program which will help you learn how to live life productively and independently, call LEAD Recovery Center today. Our multi phase program is structured to help client achieve the ultimate goal of autonomy in their lives. For more information, call (800) 380-0012.