How to Help a Friend who is Addicted to Adderall


Addiction is defined as the ongoing use of a mood altering substances, despite suffering negative consequences. For individuals with addiction, early intervention and treatment can lead to long term sobriety. However, forcing, coercing or trying to control an individual with addiction rarely leads to successful treatment outcomes. Addiction changes the brain, so it is hard for individuals with addiction to break away from the habit and seek treatment themselves. But that is what they need to do, if they want to achieve sobriety.

Signs of Adderall Addiction

Addiction affects more than the individual who is taking drugs. It affects the people around them too. If someone sees the signs of an Adderall addiction in a loved one, they can try and help the individual by noting them down with examples, and show it to the individual. More often than not, this approach will not yield results, as the individual usually needs to hit rock bottom before they seek treatment. Some common signs of Adderall addiction are:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Changes in sleep habits
  • Blurred vision
  • Hallucinations
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Paranoia
  • Impaired speech
  • Restlessness

Helping a Friend Addicted to Adderall

The best way to help someone who is addicted to Adderall is to not enable their behavior. Many times people will rationalize the behavior of the individual with addiction or will not say anything to them. People might lend them money or cover for them at work, all so the individual can get their next hit of Adderall. This is not helping the individual. They have to face the consequences of their actions to truly hit rock bottom. Friends of the individual should hold themselves responsible for the way they interact with the individual and set limits.

Learning how Adderall addiction is treated is another way of helping the individual. This way, people around the individual can support them when they finally decide to seek help, by finding treatment centers, and being a shoulder to rely on.

Getting Help For Adderall Addiction

Getting help for an Adderall addiction can be overwhelming. Admitting the problem and talking with someone trustworthy and can help immensely. Here are some suggestions of where to start:

  • If the individual is in school, they can seek out the counseling office. The office can make referrals to multiple resources that can help treat an Adderall addiction.
  • Talking with a social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist trained in addictions. These professionals offer non-judgmental help for addiction and can also refer to additional resources.
  • A doctor can be the first point of contact. Doctors can help advise on how to return to therapeutic use of Adderall or can help provide a tapering schedule.


LEAD Recovery Center helps clients work toward achieving a simple goal in recovery: autonomy. Our transitional multiphase program eases clients through the rest of their treatment into fully independent living. For more information call us today at 1-800-380-0012.