Tips For Working With Your Mentor

Mentorship can be an effective source of inspiration and transformation in recovery. LEAD Recovery Center helps clients grow throughout a multi-phase program with the help of alumni and graduate clients who become skilled in leadership, life coaching, and mentoring. By the end of their treatment process, current clients then become leaders for new clients, continuing the cycle of paving the way from experience, strength, and hope. States around the country are turning to what they call “peer recovery coaches” to help addicts and alcoholics in urgent need of help during hospitalization for overdose, their search for treatment, or throughout their recovery process. Treatment professionals have found that often, there is no support or encouragement greater than the words of someone who has experienced the dark misery of addiction but come out the other side.

Within the history of recovery is the important history of Alcoholics Anonymous which includes previous groups such as the Cambridge group and the Oxford group. Men within these groups found that a critical part of their recovery program included visiting hospitals and speaking with struggling alcoholics about the possibility of recovery. They found that helping others was not just helpful for the man they sought out, but for themselves as well. Such an instance is what inspired Bill Wilson and Bob Smith to create Alcoholics Anonymous.

It is easy to question, doubt, and rebel against a mentor. It is also easy to listen, pay attention, and be willing to believe in the suggestions a mentor makes. Here are some suggestions for staying humble and embracing the opportunity to work with someone in a mentorship relationship:

Remember H.O.W.

Honesty, open-mindedness and willingness are considered three keystones of successful recovery. With your mentor, it is important to stay honest and vulnerable, open-minded to what they have to say, and willing to take their suggestions.

Watch The Winners

Mentors have made it to where they are in their lives and in their recovery by doing something right. Nobody in recovery is perfect, but they do make progress. It is suggested in recovery to look for what you want in another person. One person is unlikely to possess all of the qualities you strive for. Look for what you want in different people and inquire about their development.

Never Say No

When your mentor offers you time, an activity, or a suggestion, it is best not to refuse it. Often, mentors are not paid positions. They are donating to you valuable time because they believe in you and your potential to succeed in life. Be grateful by honoring and respecting their time as well as yours.

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