Is Mental Health Easy To Detect?

Mental health disorders can be specific. Being able to diagnose a particular mental health disorder on your own will be a challenge. If you are concerned that a loved one is experiencing struggles with mental health, there are general signs and symptoms you can look for. Often, those who are struggling with mental health issues are unaware and turn to different behaviors to cope. Though they may not be aware they are having a problem, those around them will be able to tell. When someone is struggling with their mental health, something about them and the way they act just doesn’t seem right. Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of a mental health problem developing.


  • Isolation: Many mental health disorders come with mixed feelings about being around other people. On the one hand, someone might feel afraid to be around other people. On the other hand, someone might feel ashamed to be around other people. Isolation can also be caused by a fear of not understanding what is happening inside one’s own mind
  • Change In Performance: Mental health disorders which have manic tendencies could lead to sudden surges in performance and energy which are abnormal. Having a hyper energy can be symptoms to other mental health disorders as well. In contrast, a sudden loss of productivity, responsibility, and motivation are also troubling signs.
  • Cognitive Difficulty: It can seem as though their mind just disappears. You find yourself wondering just where their head is lately. They make mistakes, can’t remember things, and just seem “out of it” more than normal.
  • Extremely Emotional: When someone demonstrates a hypersensitivity in terms of their emotions it could indicate an imbalance. Being overly sad, overly angry, highly reactive or very defensive could all be signs of turmoil in mental health.
  • Derealization/Depersonalization: Losing sense of reality, one’s identity, and how they fit into the world is more than passing contemplation of existential matters. Derealization is a serious mental condition in which someone feels disconnected from reality and cannot tell what is real anymore.
  • Sudden Paranoia: Hearing peculiar comments about conspiracy, being watched, or knowing that other people are “in on it” are very telling signs of mental illness. If someone has become suddenly paranoid in unrealistic ways, seek help immediately.
  • Personal Changes: Some changes might seem subtle and peculiar to the individual. If someone wakes up every time at the same day then suddenly loses discipline, there could be an issue. If someone usually eats a regimented diet then suddenly lets go of their structure, that could be a sign. Drastic and polar changes are often a sign something is changing in their mental health.



It is possible to find freedom and independence in mental health recovery. Our programs at LEAD Recovery Center have one common goal: autonomy. Through life coaching, adventure therapy, and proven clinical treatment methods, we help our clients transition from treatment to recovery living. For more information on our programs, call us today at 1-800-380-0012.